The Empress Has No Clothes.
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Conquering the impostor syndrome to claim the joy, zest, and power of your success

Welcome to Empress Has No Clothes

This is an online community dedicated to helping people who struggle with the impostor syndrome claim the joy, zest, and power of their success.
Too many of us fritter away too much time, talent, and emotional energy fearing that the success we have achieved is not warranted and therefore seeing failure lurking behind every door. Inspired by my life-long struggle with the impostor syndrome, this community offers people from all walks of life a supportive place to share their experiences with impostor feelings and their techniques for conquering them.

Who do you think you are? I am whoever I say I am

The above quote is from an article that a friend sent to me that appeared in the New York Times last year, written by the Emmy Award-Winning actress, America Ferrera entitled 'How a Triathlon helped America Ferrera defy her inner critic'. It is a wonderful article that talks about how that negative inner voice can rob us of the joy of our accomplishments and how she persevered to quiet that voice.

I share this article with you so that you can also find the strength within to defy your inner voice from robbing you of your success.

Joyce Roche featured on Bloomberg Business\' "How Did I Get Here?

Share Your Impostor Syndrome Moments


Joyce Roche was the President and CEO of Girls Inc., a national nonprofit research, education and advocacy organization in New York until her retirement in 2010. Before joining Girls Inc., Ms. Roche\' served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Carson Products Company, and Vice President of Global Marketing at Avon Products, Inc.

Before joining Girls Inc., Ms. Roche\' served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Carson Products Company, and Vice President of Global Marketing at Avon Products, Inc. While at Avon, Ms. Roche\' broke new ground, becoming Avon\'s first African American female vice president, the first African American vice president of marketing, and the company\'s first vice president of global marketing.

Ms. Roche\' has received widespread acclaim for her achievements in the business world: In 2015 she was featured in Business Week\'s "How Did I Get Here" Profile and in 1998, Business Week selected her as one of the "Top Managers to Watch". 1997 she was featured on the cover of Fortune and in 1991 and 1994 respectively, Black Enterprise named Roche\' one of the "21 Women of Power and Influence in Corporate America" and one of the "40 Most Powerful Black Executives." In 2014 The Financial Times selected her as an Outstanding Corporate Director and in 2015 she received the Presidential Medal of Honor from her alma mater, Dillard University.